"In a world where the big things have little difference, it's the little things that make a big difference." - Peter Thomson: U.K. strategist on personal growth
Ever feel discouraged because you're not reaching your weight loss goals? Start with small changes in life. You just need to do a little each and every day.
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Change the outcome of your fitness or weight loss story by implementing small steps.
Here are a couple of tips:
Need To Be Active? If you've never liked taking a 90-minute kickboxing classes or running more than a couple times a week, then listen up. Take a pedometer and wear if for a day. Calculate how many steps you did. Simply add 2500 more to that number. It could be broken up before your lunch hour or after work or walking 20 minutes after your dinner. In a year's time, you've burned off about 22,00 calories and as many as 350 extra miles.
Eat To Lose. Get rid of your "baby weight". I'm busy with two kids, full-time job so I can definitely feel where you are coming from. Cut just as little as 250 calories from your day. This can come from skipping that 16 oz soda, or one cheese pizza slice or a cookie packet from the vending machine. You can get back on track to losing that weight in no time. You don't have to change your workout routine and this can help you drop 20 pounds in a year (since 3,500 calories equals about 1 lbs of fat). It's approximately 70,000 calories (1 year) and if you're doing more exercise, even better.
Every counts and habits add on to one another. It's like writing a book; a 300 word a day draft can be a 300-page book in a year (more than 100,000 words - page, double spaced) It's not as difficult as you're making it out to be. You health habits snowball and you look leaner and you wonder how you did it.
Weight Loss - Is Not Making Progress Making You Frustrated?
I'm Adriel Yapana. As a personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at http://fastfatlossworkouts.com
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