Your Overweight Dog

A great deal of attention has been focused on the increasing girth of the nation, but few pet owners understand how extra weight on Fido's frame can result in serious health issues for dogs as well as for humans.

Many dogs are experiencing weight problems for the same reasons that people are; more food and less activity. Back when dogs were work animals and spent the majority of their time outside and active, it was easier for them to maintain a healthy weight. Today, our dogs tend to be as inactive as we are; maybe more so.

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Unless you regularly exercise your dog and ensure that he is eating only high-quality dog food, your pet may be putting on weight. A chubby canine is at increased risk for injury and may experience excessive stress on their heart, lungs, kidneys, and joints.

Ideally, your dog should have a thin layer of fat over his ribs and a belly that is visible but not prominent. Sure, fat dogs can be cute, but you're not doing Spot any favors by caving in to those pleading brown eyes begging for you to toss him some pizza crust.

The only thing that your dog needs to eat is a quality dog food. If you like, you can add healthy snacks; snacks made specifically for canine digestion. Avoid table scraps altogether. Follow the guidelines on the package regarding how much kibble goes into the bowl and make sure that the fat content of the food you buy is between twelve to fourteen percent.

Some dog owners are tempted to replace their dogs regular food with a low calorie "diet" food, but not only is this rarely necessary, some dogs can't tolerate the higher grain protein and fiber content of these foods. Your best bet, if your dog is overweight, is simply to reduce the amount of quality food that Tubby consumes.

Just like you, your dog also needs daily exercise. Many pet owners assume that allowing their dog to go out into the yard several times a day is all the exercise they need. Although dogs will romp and explore naturally, most of the time they need incentive to do so. To prevent Max from sauntering out into the yard and finding a shady spot to sprawl out in, get out there with him and play! At the very least, be sure to enjoy a walk with your dog every day.

Dogs and people that eat sensibly and exercise regularly have the best chance of living a long, healthy, and happy life.

Your Overweight Dog

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